Saturday, April 18, 2020

All sort of vaguely related

A number of very loosely connected matters in this post today.

We've just had out first food delivery since lockdown. I quite miss getting in the car and going to the shop for Click and Collect: my only trip out. However to celebrate we're having Sainsburys curries for dinner tonight. We know how to live.

Our delivery-man was quite chatty - from a distance - but possibly less chat would have served him better as he left us with an extra bag of someone else's shopping. I tried to phone the shop to tell them but it's impossible. Fortunately Daughter is stopping off briefly on her way to Click and Collect so I'll ask her to return it to the shop.

Husband's blood pressure has gone down since lockdown began; mine has gone up. I'll leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.

I really think children visiting grand-parents (keeping a safe distance of course) should be considered essential for well-being, and be allowed. Daughter did bring hers with her and we chatted outside from opposite sides of the road. Not the same as hugging but when it's the only option it has to do.

Husband has done some research on the internet and is convinced he has coronavirus, largely because it is the prevalent virus around at the moment, rather than he has specific symptoms. Well, he does have a cough and sore throat but it's what he gets every year. Fortunately it is mild. 

He points out that if he has it it is most likely that I do too but that I have more of the Neanderthal in my genes. Apparently Neanderthals were better at fighting disease than ... whatever the other one is.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

My sister's entire grocery delivery got delivered to the wrong address but those people kept it. At least the grocery chain refunded her money as it was their mistake.

Marie Smith said...

I laughed about the blood pressure. Mine and my husband’s are probably the same.

Liz Hinds said...

How do these people live with themselves, Debra?

I've always had blood pressure on the low side so it's still in the normal range, Marie. Husband's went up at Christmas and has been a bit high ever since.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Given all they know now about Neanderthals, you can toss your head with pride.

nick said...

My blood pressure has been much the same during the lockdown, but I'm sleeping much better. I'm waking up at round 6 am instead of the 4 am or 5 am previously. Some of the stresses of "normal" life must have been left behind!