Tuesday, March 24, 2020

And the second casualty

I like to exercise first thing in the morning (about 10.00 am) before I shower and dress, so I wear yesterday's socks and knickers, on the basis that I'll soon be changing.

Today after exercise Husband said, 'Let's go for a walk now.'
'Okay, I can shower afterwards.'

We got back and I decided to make butternut squash and coconut soup for lunch, and as you can't really have soup without cheese scones, I made some of those too. Then it was too late to shower before lunch.

After lunch decided to do a bit of gardening so no point showering yet. By the way, you know those cartoons where someone steps on a rake and gets hit in the face? And you think, 'that'll never happen to me'?

I'll let you know how my bruise shapes up.

Mid-afternoon I went to the toilet and realised, 'I'm still wearing yesterday's knickers!'

I forgot to tell you about the - I was going to use a non-pc description then - man who possibly has mental health issues on the beach. He has set himself up in a tent and with a face mask, and has written messages in the sand, delineating his territory. He shouted to me, 'I'm going to get through this!'

He probably hasn't washed either.


nick said...

My goodness, I had no idea I was associating with someone so disreputable. Wearing yesterday's knickers indeed. You'll be saying you've never been to Waitrose next.

Marie Smith said...

Your soup reminded me of the squash I have. Must make some soup too.

With all this isolation, will showers and bathing become a thing of the past too?

Liz Hinds said...

Um, Nick ...

WE never used to bathe as much in the 'old days', Marie.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is how it starts, you know. By tomorrow, you won't be wearing knickers at all.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I wonder what your beach hermit's living on? Limpets and seaweed?

pam nash said...

When I do I similar thing, I remind myself that daily bathing and changing undies are a relatively new thing in the greater scheme of humans.