Monday, February 03, 2020

The graveyard post

I was working with a gentleman in exercise class this morning because his regular partner wasn't there.
'Where's your wife today?' I asked.
He paused. 'In the grave.'

This is why I try to avoid talking to people.

He was fine about it: she died seventeen years ago. And I guessed from the pause that it was going to be something like that. Or that they weren't married but 'living in sin'. I really hoped that was the case.
'So where's the lady you usually come with?' (I don't give up easily.)
'I don't come with a lady.'

Okay, now I give up.

He is actually a very nice gentleman in his 80s who rambles and folk dances, and is very fit. And he does usually have the same partner, a lady that he doesn't come with but meets in the class, but unfortunately she's married.


Ole Phat Stu said...

That's our Liz, opens mouth, inserts foot ;-)

pam nash said...

Well, if you don't ask questions, you'll never know what's going on! And, you did find out that his wife is dead and the woman he usually exercises with isn't a lady!

Liz Hinds said...

That's why i try to keep it closed, Stu!

This is Husband's view too, Pam, but I am of the opinion if someone wants me to know something they will tell me.

Anonymous said...

I hate to laugh but LOLOLOL!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some people go out of their way to make conversation difficult, don't they!

Polly said...

I love the way you don't give up easily Liz :-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

The KGB have a vacancy … interested?

Marie Smith said... the end anyway!

Anonymous said...

the ex KGB are called GRU nowadays.
The HQ address is Khoroshevskoye Shosse 76W, Moscow, BTW, if you want to write there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe that if someone wants me to know something they will tell me; but, that doesn't keep me from embarrassing myself. A few years ago, while I was still active in disaster response, I helped some mass care folks carry cases of water into the rest area of a building that was near another building into which an airplane had crashed. As I set the water down, I saw a work friend sitting with a cup of coffee, chatting with another man.

After greeting the friend from work (whom I hadn't seen for 10 years, since retiring), the other man called me by name and I realized that he, too, had been a work friend. With great ebullience I started asking how they had been/what they had been up to. Fortunately, at that point, I realized that a cleric was entering the area and heading our way. Too late, I learned that the 2nd man's wife had been killed in the crash. I wanted to sink through the floor.

From thence forward, I stuck to doing my own disaster response job - coordinating with government officials - instead of being "helpful" to other taskings.
Cop Car