I'm so excited! I've been invited to join the Illuminati Grand Lodge. Once I join, riches, power and fame are 100% guaranteed. Plus I'll be protected from all evils in life.
What could possibly be wrong with that?
And if you've looked at my Comments boxes you'll see they're really desperate for me to join: I must have at least ten invitations. It's good to know that someone can see my potential.
The only thing stopping me is that I suspect Trump must be Grand Master.
well every secret lodge has to have a grand POOP Bah!
I say beware!
there are others you could sell your soul to! XO
Oh! And I thought the invitation was for me alone. Obviously not very exclusive up there in the Grand Lodge then.
Oh, so what. A Nigerian Prince wants to send ME money!!!!
I got the same offer as Debra.
hey, Nigerian princes are everywhere. It's only the truly perfect that get entry to the top secret Illuminati, isn't that right, Jaycee?
Hi I saw you'd left a comment on Leslie's blog, called the Pedalogue She stopped blogging I met with her when she came to UK in 2012. I 'd like to get in touch with her, if you are in contact with her, please pass my email to her chs22hk@gmail.com Thank you.
Wow! I'm totally jealous that I've not received an invitation to join. Boohoo. I shall have to console myself with chocolate!
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