Monday, February 10, 2020

Excuses, excuses

I should mention that I am currently doing MyNoWriMo. 

National Novel Writing Month is held each year in November but having decided that November is such a silly time to attempt to write 50,000 words I decided to run my own version at a time to suit me. I thought February would suit me but I'm still struggling, even though I'm only attempting to write 25,000 words. 

But that's my excuse for not visiting, not writing my blog - not that you'd notice - and not cleaning.

And right now I should be at my Slimming World class for my weekly weigh-in. My excuse for not being there is that the car is short of petrol. Nothing at all to do with too many celebrations and cakes of late.

I don't know what excuse Wales had to offer for losing to Ireland at the weekend though.


Marie Smith said...

I can’t bring myself to face the novel a I’ve started. Maybe one day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with the novel!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Well at least you're thinking about it...

Liz Hinds said...

Today is one day, Marie.

Thanks, Debra.

Like a good philosopher should, Sonata.

pam nash said...

Perhaps you're thinking on it too hard. Do all the normal stuff and words will probably come flowing in so fast you'll be hard pressed to get them all down!