Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Blobs of faith

Last night in Zac's we considered levels of faith as illustrated by this Pip Wilson cartoon of players on a football pitch.
I quickly identified myself as a mixture of the one chasing butterflies (centre left), sometimes going the wrong way and easily distracted, and the goalkeeper, terrified someone is going to kick a ball at me.

After that I spent a lot of the study wondering why the man on the left had an ice cream on his head. (You see? Easily distracted.)

Turns out he's in the shower. 

I blame my stupidity on lack of familiarity with the inside of football changing-rooms.

A very good study though. I would think most of us experience different levels of faith at various times in our life, or even day.

At first glance we might think the goal-scorer is demonstrating the most faith but I find that when I do something well I tend to take the praise myself and forget God; the man on the stretcher though must have huge faith, obviously seriously injured but still on the pitch. 'I might be damaged but I can still do my bit - even if it's only getting in the way of the opposition.'

How's your faith today? Can you identify with any of the players/spectators?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm the one who's not at the game.

Marie Smith said...

I’m with Debra, on the sidelines not paying attention.

Liz Hinds said...

That's fine! Better than having ice cream on your head anyway!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I spent my teens trying to wangle a sick note for games lessons…

Ole Phat Stu said...

I'm the guy with the folded arms .(bottom left) who doesn't believe there's a ball anyway, and who thinks he's on the wrong pitch ;-)