Saturday, January 25, 2020

Where you are

When I read people's blogs I have absolutely no idea whereabouts they are. Even though they may have mentioned their home area loads of time it either doesn't register or I am vague as to its location. So I thought I'd begin to put together a map, covering my most regular commenters, to remind me. 

I don't have a huge number at the moment but I am hoping to increase that by being more sociable myself. But here is my first attempt:

Red dots mark the locations, very roughly. It's the vast wilderness of America and Canada that most baffle me.



pam nash said...

I'm located in the US, in Texas, southwest of Houston close to the Gulf of Mexico, in a small town called Wharton. What a wonderful idea - marking places you read about.

Anonymous said...

I'm located in the US, in Kansas, near Wichita. (That tells one more than my saying that I live in Derby - which is regularly taken to mean that I am in the UK.)
Cop Car

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hello from the vast wilderness of Canada! I see my red dot representing Edmonton, Alberta! I have the same issue with places that are not in Canada. I only have a vague sense of where they are. Geography was never my best subject in school.

Leslie: said...

Well, you got me right - bottom left in Canada! 😊

Marie Smith said...

You got me there in eastern Canada.

Liz Hinds said...

Right, I shall have to add dots in Texas and Kansas!

Sue Peterson said...

Hi from Denver, Colorado. I don't have a blog, just started following you after you won the tin foil hat contest on another blog. I liked that you participated and thought you must have a great sense of humor to do such a thing.