Friday, January 31, 2020

Bit goopy

I see that the head of the NHS England has condemned Gwynneth Paltrow's latest money-making - sorry, alternative living business, Goop, that just happens to worth £190m.

One of the items promoted by Goop, was a jade and rose quartz crystal egg that is inserted in the vagina to balance hormones. My first thought on reading that was, 'If a woman is stupid enough to stick a stone up herself ...' but then I remembered.

For many years I walked around with a piece of metal inside me. But, at least, it was a scientifically-tested and researched bit of metal, and it worked. Seemingly unlike the quartz eggs that cost the company $112,000 for making unscientific claims. (No complaints were, however, received from customers.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Her products have been banned in Canada too.

Marie Smith said...

About time someone called out that goop for what it was.

Polly said...
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Polly said...

Silly woman, she should stick to acting

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