Thursday, August 29, 2019

Protest against proroguing

Joined with other like-minded souls (okay, a lot of left-over hippies amongst them) to protest against the proroguing of parliament. Mainly objecting to the use of such a peculiar and difficult to spell/say word.
People start to gather
Not really. 

When the idea of parliament being shut down was first mooted some months ago I was appalled. I said, 'If that happens surely people will take to the streets.' So I did. And, what is really amazing, Husband came with me.

A gathering of maybe 200 people outside the council chambers is probably pretty ineffective but I had to do something. It's just unbelievable that so many people are still believing the lies and rubbish spouted by Johnson and his cronies.

Johnson himself said that he doesn't want No Deal (whether you believe him or not is irrelevant) so on that basis parliament should be sitting to work out what to do, how to avoid a catastrophe - many many people from all aspects of life believe this will be the result - and fighting for our countries. Yes, they've not been able to agree on anything for the last three years but no-one with any integrity can let us go down the No Deal route. 

And, yes, I would prefer to remain but if we have to leave we have to have the best deal possible.
P.S. We left before the end because when people who aren't used to public speaking start talking into - or rather in the general direction of - tannoys it's impossible to hear what they say.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

From my safe and comfy perch far, far away in Canada, it seems pretty clear to me that Britain is heading for a Hard Brexit. I don't think Europe is kidding when it says the deal offered to Theresa May is the only deal it will make. I think there's a lot of naive views in Britain about how much leverage you really have to force a better deal.

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely, Debra. Bear in mind that Trump likes Johnson. No need to say any more.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Thankyou to everyone who protested today or will do tomorrow. What is happening now is so wrong.

Anonymous said...

It is all enough to make a grown woman weep!
Cop Car

Polly said...

I'm afraid I'm bewildered by the whole Brexit conundrum now. I voted to leave because I'm fed up with our own inept politicians, let alone having to finance the Brussels ones as well. I think one of the main problems is too many politicians, CEO's and powerful newspaper magnets creating propaganda and fear mongering.