Thursday, August 29, 2019

Five Dicks

Browsing through my blog looking for stuff about Martin I came across these gems (!) from 2006. 

A lady was telling me how she'd lain in the bath that morning for an hour pondering on what Jesus had done for us. 'I felt ...' she paused.
I interjected, 'Cold?'
She looked at me and, after a moment, said, 'Overwhelmed by the wonder of it.'

Oh, yes, of course, that's what I meant.

* * * * * * * 

I've stolen this idea from PT's blog. He suggests listing five Dicks you'd like to have on a desert island with you. These are mine.

1. Dick Turpin because every girl needs a highwayman on her desert island.
2. Dick Barton, our local chippie, so he can do the cooking.
3. Dickie Attenborough's brother, David, as he'll know which animals and plants are dangerous or can be eaten.
4. Richard Burton, so last thing at night he can talk to me of Wales in his lovely sexy voice, and I can fall asleep with images of home in my head.
5. Richard Branson because the whole might of the Virgin empire would be put behind finding him, and when they did, they could set up a supply route for food and essentials, before taking him and David, as we won't need him any more, back to civilisation as they know it. I can't decide whether to let Dick Barton go as well but I'm inclined to keep him to save me having to cook. 

That would leave me and Richard and Dick to enjoy our island.

* * * * * * *
I can't for the life of me think who PT is/was.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some people just don't appreciate your sense of humour, Liz.

Liz Hinds said...

I know, Debra, I can't understand it!