Thursday, August 08, 2019

Is good grammar still important?

On the way to Weston-Super-Mare I was thinking about grammar. I mean, what else would you think about on a long car journey?

I have always been a bit of a grammar pedant. Certainly in my own writing, and while I might not actually correct others' I do so in my head. 

I don't know the correct terms to use but I know how to use them. Well, mostly. When I speak it's a different matter. I get flustered and don't think about what I want to say so words tend to come out of my mouth as anagrams or whatever the sentence equivalent is. 

But does it matter?

Shock! Horror! I flap my hands in the way of a Victorian lady who has seen something nasty in the woodshed. And then I think some more.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, twit of the grandest order, on being given a role in Johnson's cabinet, issued a set of rules for his staff on what was and was not permissible grammarly-wise. He was roundly mocked but his rules stand.
comma misuse

The conclusion I had already reached (on the way to Weston) was that the correct use of grammar is important when it clarifies what you saying, and less important on other occasions. (Although I still have to fan myself when I say that.). 

For example, the other day I was listening to a song on the radio and silently correcting the singer. Actually not so silently: I kept over-singing him. The song was called, 'If I was';  it should be, 'If I were.' But it doesn't make any difference to the meaning. Pedants might insist that it does but we all know what he means. 

So, I would suggest that the rules don't always matter. They are important but it's the clarity of the sentence that is most vital. If you're not sure of the rules try reading the sentence in the blue box aloud as it is written not as you understand it.

In conclusion, I looked up an article on 10 Wrong Ways to Use Commas. I disagreed with the first one on the list and stopped reading in disgust. So either I don't know as much as I thought I did or the author's a twit too.


Ole Phat Stu said...

And what many people don't know : adjectives in English must be in the order : opinion, size,age,shape, colour, origin, material, purpose NOUN.

If you screw up that word order you'll sound like an idiot.

There are no priestly woolen Welsh red round young big Brexiteers!

sonata said...

The trouble is that no one listens to Rees-Mogg, everyone's too distracted by the spectacle.
Unless that's why he was given the post?
(sorry … any alliegance to grammar waned once I left school)

Liz Hinds said...

I'm never sure about the 'correct' order, Stu. I just go with what sounds right.

I suppose something had to be done with him, Sonata.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Liz, you and others may never have been explicitly taught the correct order.
But you picked it up by copying examples of what others said/wrote.
As did I until a linguist explained it to me.

Let's ask your other readers how many knew/had been taught the rule as I explained it above?

PipeTobacco said...

I learned the rule, but I am not sure if I follow it all the time. But, I can say that I MUCH PREFER to have the rules of grammar followed. For me, it is especially true in the written language. I also prefer it in the spoken language, but allow a bit more lee-way.


Polly said...

I like good grammar. I was taught proper! :-)

Anonymous said...

Liz--It's been so many years since I bought/read/gave away "Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" by Lynne Truss that I don't know if the "favorite things" listing was in it. If not, perhaps it should have been!

Stu--No one taught me that ordering rule, as far as I recall; but, we were taught proper use of commas when required for clarity when using multiple adjectives to modify the same noun.

Cop Car

Anonymous said...

Sadly the daze a peeple usink propa english is went!

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, the second "Anonymous" comment is not from me. I know how to say it properly: Sadly the daze a people usink propa English has done gone!
; )
Cop Car