Wednesday, August 07, 2019

What was a fortune?

A memory flitted into my head as they do sometimes. A memory of a book I loved as a child but have never seen since, and, indeed, about which I can recall very little. The only thing I can remember is the character's name: Pookie.

So I did what I always do in these situations: ask Google. And this is what came up.
Pookie by Ivy Wallace
Pookie is a little white rabbit with wings. Unhappy with his lot - being different - he leaves home to seek his fortune.
"What was a Fortune? He had no idea, but he thought it must be a mixture of happiness, lettuce and kind words."

It was first published in 1945 so it's quite possible I had it as a child in the 50s but even now, having read about it and seen the illustrations, there are still no bells of recognition ringing. On Goodreads a lot of people say it was their favourite book from childhood so I think this must have been the one I 'remember', but something else keeps flashing into my head, not lingering long enough for me to grasp it.

So until I do let's say that Pookie is indeed the beloved book of my childhood. The research was worth it simply for that wonderful quote anyway.


Ole Phat Stu said...

Sure you don't mean Pooh, as in Winnie-the?

He was my favourite :-)

Chuck Pergiel said...

It's a good quote.

Anonymous said...

I always loved 'the velveteen rabbit.'
but now I will find Pookie! it sounds quite wonderful. xo

Liz Hinds said...

Definitely not Winnie the, Stu.

It is rather marvellous, isn't it, Chuck?

Glad you like the sound of it, Tammy.