Sunday, August 11, 2019

I recognise that lavatory door!

You saw this photo in the Friday Miscellany post below:
Imagine my surprise when watching a television drama last night to see the very same lavatory door! 

It wasn't that surprising I suppose as the drama was set in Wales (Keeping Faith - fab scenery, mostly in and around Laugharne) but it was odd as the building it was in - allegedly - wasn't Swansea Guildhall.

It's ridiculous how excited I got seeing a toilet door.


PipeTobacco said...

Haha! I can fully understand how fun that would be! No on films anything in my area, but once in a while I can see places I recognize in films that I have been to when
I have visited a big city. It always is fun to recognize such things.


Liz Hinds said...

It is fun, PipeTobacco. I do a daily jigsaw on the internet and it's always fun to be able to say, 'I've been there!' Not that it happens very often.