Sunday, June 09, 2019

When everyone except me is going the wrong way

On our way to Pontardawe in the car I was explaining to Husband the route the parade would take so we could work out where best to park to avoid traffic. As it happened traffic wasn't a problem at all but the explanation was.

'So you know the crossroads where you go up the hill to Younger Son's house?'
'Well the parade will come from the east and turn south.'
'Towards Clydach?'
'No, into the town centre.'
'That's east.'
'Not if the hill towards YS is north.'
'But it's not.'
'Well, just imagine it is.'
'But it's west.'
'Pretend it's north.'
'Why? North is the other way.'
'But you have to go up the hill so let's just say it's north.'
'Because north is always upwards.'

It would be if I made maps. 

It doesn't help that the GPS image in the car shows us going the 'wrong' way as in the top diagram, when, obviously, we should be eating the road, Pacman style as in the bottom diagram.

I have to think about it every time.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are you often the navigator? Just wondering . . . .

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I've thought about it. It hasn't helped.

Liz Hinds said...

I used to be until we got sat nav, Debra. I liked to say that i took us on the scenic route.

My point precisely, Sonata.

Anonymous said...

My GPS system gives one the option of having North being up, always, or having the ikon of the car moving upward, always. That said, I think I've actually used the system 2 or 3 times in the 5 years that I've owned the car.
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