Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bonking bugs

Husband was very excited the other day. He'd found an all-red ladybird in the garden and, 'According to google they only live in South America.'
'Ooh, so you're the first person to notice them here.'
'That doesn't seem very likely.'
'Well, someone has to be first.'

But it's not Husband. 

On Saturday he found some more and showed me. 'That's not a ladybird,' I said.

Turns out it's a red lily beetle that eats, yes, you've guessed it, lilies. As our poor lilies will show you.

Now we know we are doing regular checks and removal procedures. Not only are the red lily beetles out in their masses, they're also bonking mad.
Red Lily Beetle


nick said...

I discovered a couple of bonking ladybirds yesterday, but no sign of them today. Woodlice seem to be breeding like crazy. Whenever I'm weeding I find huge colonies of them - dozens of the little buggers scuttling around. One or two of them have even found their way into the house.

sonata said...

This made me think of all those posters about Colorado beetles. Haven't seen one for years. Now there are warnings about ticks instead … no wonder I prefer living in town.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I didn't realize this was a PORNO blog now!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Debra, the local sperm bank has a sign inside on the exit door
"Thankyou for coming" ;-) Hilarious!