Yesterday in gentle exercise - did I mention that I now go to an over-60s group? - I was placed in a set with two men, both older than me. (We work in threes to go around the circuit.) The trainer put me with them saying to them, 'Your challenge is to keep up with her.'
Well, what could I do after that but try my very hardest? Fine in most things and then we came to the running. Up and down the gym. The first two turns of the circuit I was well ahead of my fellows; the third time I was tired - and I think they suddenly ganged together and decided to make a race of it - and they were just ahead of me much of the time.
With the trainer shouting, 'Come on, faster,' and my friend, Janet, yelling, 'Come on, Liz, you can do it,' I stretched out my legs and finally managed to finish just an inch ahead of the two men. But ... at what price?

Fortunately it was cool down after that but I honestly thought, 'I'm going to have to go and sit down before I either fall down or throw up.' I felt soooo bad.
And the too-much-information bit: little drops of wee kept leaking out - which, of course, also slowed me down. I didn't want to make a puddle on the floor. Men don't have that problem you see.
Sadly, Liz, those of us men who have had the prostata cancer removal OP, also leak a little after strenuous exercise. Been there, done that; so I know what you are talking about :-(
But I'd rather leak a little than die of cancer. YMMV.
Oh dear, I didn't realise that could happen, Stu!
You're not competitive? I think you're in denial!
No, no, I'm not, really, Debra! Am I?
Stu, I haven't been able to get on your blog recently. Is this getting ready for Brexit?
I never used to understand my aunts' concerted rush to the Ladies "just in case". Let's just say that I do these days.
Indeed, sonata. Always better to go just in case.
My blog ( works OK from this end, anybody else having problems getting it?
As Stu says, yes it can happen to men too, especially after a prostate operation, which I've had. Luckily it only happens to me very rarely but definitely embarrassing when it does!
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