Monday, April 29, 2019

Two drips on a wet day

You know the way things build up inside a volcano and them one day it erupts forcefully? Well, that's me at the moment.

dripping tap
We have two drips in our house. No, not George and me, but the shower and the kitchen tap. They've both been dripping for what seems like ever. My cure for the shower head - hitting it repeatedly - doesn't work. Ditto for the tap downstairs.

Today it is raining and Husband was grumbling that he wouldn't be able to do any gardening.
'You could fix the drips,' I said, helpfully I thought. (I should mention I've suggested numerous times before.)
'The shower will need a plumber,' he said. 'And the kitchen tap is a fiddly sweary job.'
'That's okay. I'll be in the other room or out so you can swear to your heart's content.'
He didn't reply and is currently sorting out paperwork and doing anything he can to avoid fixing the tap.

Husband has always done all the DIY, including bigger jobs like building an extension, himself but he hates plumbing because it involves twisting his body into impossible angles in order to reach the pipes and then finding he doesn't have the right tool anyway.

I am about to search for reliable local plumbers who will come out for a small job. From past experience I beg you to wish me luck. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck! Drips are so annoying.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Mam dwa kapiące krany; czy możesz przyjść i naprawić je wkrótce?

That's Polish for
"I've got two dripping taps; can you come and fix them soon, please?"

What'll you do after Brexit? Get the taps fixed asap!