Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Keep calm and bounce your boobies

Sunday night going to bed I told myself, 'Tomorrow is a new week, a new me. I shall be ... better.'

Two days in and it's going okay. Amazingly. I've wasted less time, done everything I'd planned and generally been efficient. It is a good feeling. Long may it last.

Zumba on Monday night, my second time, and no better. By the time my feet caught up with the teacher she'd moved on to the next step. And as for my arms, well, they just flailed around wildly. Teacher's arms move with purpose and power; mine make me look like a puppet whose strings have broken.

I think the key is my outfit. I turn up in a baggy t-shirt and Eric Morecambe shorts. What I need is lycra. And a baggy t-shirt. I'm not that brave to reveal my flab.

On the plus side I am good at wiggling my bum and shaking my boobies. To be honest, it doesn't take a lot of effort; my boobs move of their own accord.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Shake 'em, sister, shake 'em!

Geo. said...

Your attitude is inspiring. Thank you!

Liz Hinds said...

I do, Debra! At last I've found something i'm good at!

Thank you, Geo.

Anonymous said...

you give new meaning to the world of shaking anything!
at least you're upright and OUT THERE! kudos to you.

Anonymous said...

Lycra is wonderful. I love it - until I think what it does to the environment as it breaks down into tiny filaments. What's an old woman (me, at 81) to do?
Cop Car

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I know that any attempt to squeeze into Lycra would result in injury…