Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Dogs Against Brexit

Walking on the beach (at home) for the first time yesterday the huge numbers of tree stumps and sticks made me pick up my pen/stick and write. My first thought was to have a Brexit message. George helpfully threw himself wholeheartedly into this one.
Then as the message is always relevant I added this one.
Then because I found some on the beach this had to be next.


Terra said...

I like that second message, I pick up plastic when I walk my dog. Since I live 2 blocks from the ocean the storm water drains in the streets all have signs saying that they drain directly into the Bay. Yikes.

Liz Hinds said...

The things we find, Terra!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are a public service!

Liz Hinds said...

I like to think so, debra!

miruspeg said...

Next time I'm at the beach I will find a stick (or take one with me) and write some messages. Thanks for the inspiration Liz.
Peggy xx

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Even if we never get as far as the sea shore, we can help keep the oceans clean. Take any plastic packaging back to the shop. Better still, use shops like Lush, who recycle.

Anonymous said...

Our local recyclers have stopped accepting certain plastics (cottage cheese cartons, for instance) because the ultimate recyclers in China have stopped receiving our trash. I take cartons to the shops for re-filling; but, not all shops will use them. Always, I have re-usable tote bags in my car. Fortunately, plastic bottles are still accepted for recycling.
Cop Car