Friday, April 12, 2019

Losing and finding time

I have a deadline for my article of 15th April. This morning I woke and thought, 'Oh, no, it was the 8th last Friday so it must be the 15th today. And my article isn't finished yet.' 

I just looked at the the computer and realised it is the 12th. How strange.

Also today I looked at my watch as I was leaving the house. It said 9.48. I got in the car, switched on the radio and they said it was 9.58.

Something strange is happening with time in my very particular location.

Of course it could be to do with my tinfoil hat. Speaking of which I am delighted to tell you that my entry for Debra's competition took the prize in the category for the Bravest of the Brave Patriots. You can see all the prize-winning entries here and vote for your favourite to be Grand Winner. It is very satisfying to be recognised in this way especially as I had to endure a lot of mocking on FaceBook along the lines of 'dickhead', from those who failed to see and appreciate the innate beauty and Welshness (it's a leek) of my creation.
tinfoil hat


Terra said...

I wonder how well your tin foil hat is working, considering your gaps in time, missing minutes, etc. Maybe it needs a few tweaks. Kind of cute though. Congrats on your writing prize.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yes, I think the Silver Leek is warping the space-time continuum! And let me tell you, your brave creation is garnering admiration and votes on my blog! It seems (so far) to be especially popular among gay men.

Liz Hinds said...

I shall have to work on it some more, Terra.

Well, that's good to hear, Debra!

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Not writing for A to Z April 2019. I came here from the Master List. Hello. Best wishes for your 15 April deadline. Narayana Rao Management Theory