Sunday, March 03, 2019

BBC but not what you think

An unusually busy Sunday for me. 

In prison this morning. We sit in amongst the men and when the chaplain welcomed us she introduced the musicians and then said, '... and Liz - wherever she is.' I was the only woman (apart from the chaplain) in there; I can't have been that hard to spot.

I was sitting next to a young man. He couldn't read so me thrusting a hymn book into his hands wasn't very helpful. Reminded me of the time I carefully opened a hymn book at the right page and gently placed it in the hands of a blind man. Anyway at the end the lad was in tears as he talked about his desperation. He'd only come to church that morning because he didn't know what else to do as he feels so guilty about what he's done. 

Waterstones swansea
Waterstone's books shop used to be the Carlton Cinema.
Came home and then went straight back out again. I'd forgotten I'd meant to stay in town for a Book Blogger Collective meet at Waterstone's. I'm not a book blogger but I thought it might be a chance to 'network'. It was led by a man from Waterstone's and there were fifteen women there. All very dedicated readers and reviewers. I felt very out of place mainly because I hadn't heard of most of the authors they mentioned but partly because they talked scathingly about people who describe themselves a readers 'but only read one book a month!' I don't read much more than that.

So I kept quiet and listened. I will join the twitter group and try to ingratiate myself. On the plus side I came away with three free books.

Since coming home I've been working on a talk I'm giving to a women's group on Thursday, this time about my books and writing rather than about Zac's. I'd forgotten all about it or rather I'd put it in the 'that's not for ages' file in my brain. I also need to start writing my next article for The Bay magazine. Incidentally my latest piece is available here now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"they talked scathingly about people who describe themselves a readers 'but only read one book a month!" -- I'd better steer clear of that bunch -- I'm sure they'd classify me in the same category as that unfortunate young illiterate man in prison.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm not one of those, Debra. You're safe with me.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Suggestion : instrumentalize the Book Blogger Collective by giving each a copy of your book and ask them for a written revue, but insist they do it independently of one another. Compare results. Where they agree, there'll be something to bear in mind for any future book of yours :-)

Those whose opinions are far apart from the mean(sic!), can be safely ignored, also for their other reviews.

Finally, ask for a review meeting, so they discuss it in your presence.

Remember : Them as can, does. Them as can't, just review.
And keep on writing, Liz!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I wonder what they say about voracious readers of Mills and Boone?

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Let alone people who can't even spell Boon right...

Anonymous said...

I love the cinema's façade for the book store.
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

I'm too much of a scaredy cat to ask them, Stu. But I will try to approach one or two. It's big business, book blogging these days.

M&B was mentioned in passing, Sonata. I don't think they even fell into the 'book' category! I'm making them sound awful and they weren't, just very serious committed readers.

It is beautiful, CopCar.

Polly said...

I can't stand people like that. I joined a book group 8 years ago, reading one book a month, I've now joined my village group so I will be reading two a month!