I spend loads of time playing solitaire, not thinking about it or trying too hard, just mindlessly mousing. I've given up solitaire before because it is a real time-waster but this year I want to use the time more beneficially. I think I've mentioned before that I'm trying to 'build my online presence' (I have to put in quotation marks as it's so not me) so that time can only be useful.
The only connection this has with the Christian practice of fasting and meditation is the fact that I'm doing it in Lent. I seem to be able to stick to things much better when I have that sort of focus.
Meanwhile today we had GrandDaughter2 who told me about the pancakes she'd had yesterday and who insisted we should have them today too. How could I say no?
And now I'm supposed to be preparing for a talk I'm giving tomorrow. Have I told you about this? The trouble with keeping two blogs running is that I can't remember what I've said on this one and what I've said on the other. Anyway tomorrow I'm talking about writing and my books. A sensible author would have made sure she had copies ready to sell.
I've never claimed to be sensible.
I love your phrase "mindlessly mousing" -- so perfectly accurate a description of wasting time on the computer! I made blueberry pancakes last night for My Rare One and me. I am, of course, not giving up anything for Lent. It's one of the perks of being a pagan instead of a Christian.
Yes, "mindlessly mousing" is a beautiful phrase! I was coming to comment on the exact same thing as Debra!!!
I too am working on Lenten focus.
Reducing one's stress level is a lovely idea, but reading a book for just 6 minutes doesn't seem likely to do it, really. Stretching out on the sofa for an hour with a pot of tea and a book might work better…
I just try it and let you know………….
Blueberry pancakes, mmmm.
I will post the image I found on faceBook, PT. It's about things to give up.
I think you're probably right, Sonata. In fact 6 minutes of reading is more likely to cause stress when you have to stop.
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