Friday, February 15, 2019

On the plus side I survived

Finally made it to Boxercise last night. We've been trying since the beginning of term but things have got in the way. Sadly nothing stopped us last night ...

When a warm-up begins with the words, 'Jog across the gym and back,' and you can barely see the other side of the gym, you really hope you've somehow come into the wrong class.

I hadn't.

The group consisted of five men, three young women and me. I reckon I was at least twenty years older than the older man and more like thirty or more years older than everyone else.

For some reason I didn't expect the class to be quite so aerobic. I thought it would be mostly boxing - which it was - but in between he made us do press-ups and burpees and squat jumps and running, oh, such a lot of running. I thought I might die.

On the plus side the men were all very gentle when they had to box against my pads. I think they were probably worried I might fall over, but hey, I'm tougher than that. Well, a bit anyway.
Boxercise class


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I don't even know what burpees are. I'll google it after I've had another biscuit ...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear. Does the gym offer 55+ classes? We can't keep up with those young pups.

Liz Hinds said...

They are horrid, that's what they are, Sonata.

I do a gentle fitness class too but it's too gentle, Debra. I don't dread it.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, Hunky Husband could show me what various kinds of "burpees" are. I'll let you do them!
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

Why thank you, CopCar!