Saturday, February 02, 2019

A great achievement!

I have spent the morning sorting out my bedding and now it is neatly packed in drawers and ... wait for it ... labelled!

I bet you're glad you took the trouble to visit my blog today to learn that. Don't worry, it will get better. Maybe tomorrow.

Sorting bedding may not sound like much but with a variety of beds it all gets mixed up. Unless you're one of those people who have a place for everything. So every time I needed to change a bed or suddenly provide bedding I had to go through loads of stuff, unfolding it to see what size it was. (Why can't manufacturers write the size on the label? And while they're about it they could write Top, Bottom and Side too.)

But now I'm organised. And should I die tomorrow my children will find I have neat drawers. 

In other news I have two cold sores up my nose making it difficult to breathe. They also make my tooth hurt, which is strange because:
a) it's usually my eye that hurts; and
b) the tooth in question is crowned because the nerve is dead. Spooky eh?

In other other news, last night's rugby game was kinda tense. (The extreme stress of the game makes 'kinda' acceptable. I'm not going to get into the habit of using it.) At half time France was winning by 16-0. Wales looked as if they'd forgotten how to play. But it was truly 'a game of two halves'. Roles were reversed in the second half and Wales ended up winning by 24-19. But it was touch and go at the end. So dire was the situation at half time that I had to resort to one of my stockpiled boxes of Maltesers to keep me going.

George North scoring try
George North scoring one of two tries for Wales last night.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Eating those Maltesers made all the difference!

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely. I shall buy more today.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

As per your suggestion, I looked up "Fascinating Aida Dogging" on YouTube -- oh my! LOL! Very funny! So saucy! And "dogging" is not a term that's familiar here in Canada or the US, but I figured it out anyway.

Anonymous said...

OMG - really? Are you trying to make the rest of us look like slobs for not having our bedding sorted and labeled? You are vile! *laughing* We have bedding spread throughout the house, and not one place includes any labeling. Well done!
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

Glad you liked FA, Debra. They're very clever and amusing.

That was me before this morning, CC! I am feeling very smug!

Terra said...

That sounds like an exciting rugby match and amazing to see Wale's comeback. I do a bit of organizing but wow, your bedding organizing is a step above.