Thursday, January 03, 2019

Feeling like a dumpling

The sun shone yesterday and we celebrated with a walk across the golf course to Three Cliffs headland and back again. Poor old George was really struggling on the return leg; we'd forgotten how far back it was. But he made it.
An art project sponsored several pieces of work that are situated on Gower. This one has caused some controversy with its location but I think it's okay, fitting in reasonably well.

Fitness class started again yesterday evening too. A bit of a shock after two weeks off. My legs are already feeling the strain and I suspect will be worse tomorrow. What might be an even greater shock is the boxercise class I invited myself along to with a friend. That starts next Thursday. I'll let you know how it goes.

* * * * * 
Just finished watching Dumplin', a Netflix movie. Big smiles. A real feel-good film.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Boxercise! That sounds like fun. And a good way to get rid of frustrations!

Liz Hinds said...

I have done a bit of it before as part of a circuit class and I used to imagine someone's face being on the receiving end of my punch, Debra.