Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Whatever happened to the Christian hymn-writers?

One of the guys in Zac's last night said to me, 'How are you enjoying the book?'
Wearing my now familiar blank face I pondered for a moment, came up with nothing then said, 'Which book?'
'The story of Christian hymn-writers.'

There were a number of answers he could have given, some more likely than others but that one certainly hadn't occurred to me.

'The story of Christian hymn-writers?'
'I gave it to you a few weeks ago.'
'I came out to the car, remember?'
'Um ... er ... yes ... I wonder what I've done with it then.'
'You probably stuck it in the glove compartment.'
'Er, yes.' Except the glove compartment is full of tissues and sweeties. 'I'll have to have a hunt around. I must have put it somewhere safe,' I said with more confidence than I felt still having absolutely no memory of it. And normally a bell will ring in my brain at some point of breakthrough but nothing was happening.

This morning while putting something in the pantry I noticed the jar of honey this man had given me a few weeks' ago. That he'd come out to the car to give me.

One of us is going crazy. Betting is still on me but at least there is doubt now.

Trouble is, by the next time I see him I'll have forgotten about the book, the honey and everything in between so we could have the same conversation.

* * * * * * *
When it's someone's birthday in Zac's I put candles on a cake and we sing happy birthday. Now it happens that my birthday is on the same date as another of the study leader's and we were both there last night. If it had just been my birthday I'd have ignored it but I felt that Steve shouldn't have to miss out because of me so I tried to get the candles and singing organised without getting directly involved: it's a bit much when you have to stick your own candle in, arrange for it to be lit, and start the birthday singing. But that's what happened. Honestly I don't know why I bother.

Yes, I do. 

When he was little and then when his mum was pregnant I had a lot to do with one young boy. Last night he gave me a birthday present: a necklace saying, 'Love you to the moon and back'.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a lovely necklace! Happy Birthday!

CherryPie said...

How lovely :-)

PipeTobacco said...


The necklace is quite beautiful!

I was anticipating you were going to say that you had found the book.... having left it in the pantry by the jar of honey.

I am going to hazard a guess now since it appears the book is still missing..... I am going to bet that it has fallen between the seats of the vehicle you were driving when he says he gave it to you. Most vehicles have a lot of nooks and crannies where even fairly large objects like a book may inadvertently squeeze into.

Keeping my fingers crossed that you find it.... and that you then also find it exciting to read!


Ole Phat Stu said...

I was surprised when Amazon showed a half dozen books on the subject

I wonder which one he meant?

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Debra and CherryPie.

The thing is, PT and Stu, I am convinced he only gave me honey. But I will check the nooks and crannies.