Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The spiders are turning

We have a spider who lives under the television. Most nights he runs out to check we're there. I've tried banging my slipper on the floor to tell him to run the other direction i.e. away from me, but he ignores me.

Last night I was chased across the landing by a spider.

A terrible thing has happened: they have worked out that we're more afraid of them than they are of us. 

Come to think of it, I haven't seen lounge spider for a while. However I did see this:
a poor drowned spider in George's water bowl. (George managed to drink all the water while avoiding the spider. Harvey used to be the same with peas in his dinner.) Maybe lounge spider's foolhardiness took him too far.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A watery death at sea, how sad.

Anonymous said...

Aww...poor spider. Perhaps another spider will take its place. Our house has an over-abundance of spiders (mostly brown recluse), but we have very, very few other multi-legged critters about.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. That anonymous comment is from me.
: (
Cop Car

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I've spent so long telling myself that spiders are harmless, lovable creatures that I now nearly believe it. Nearly.

Liz Hinds said...

One risk too many taken, Debra.

We have loads of spiders, CC. I never like to destroy their webs. (Or dust generally.)

I'm okay as long they stay away from me, Sonata. It's when you get that felling on the back of your neck - aaahh, there's something on me!!!