Thursday, October 25, 2018

In which George and I have a heated discussion

Walking across the tip we came across a gang of dogs. George decided to hump one. As he ignored my calls I went and hauled him off saying as I did, 'At least he's got the right end!'

I dragged him along a bit before letting him off his lead whereupon he gave me a very dirty look.
'What's that for?' I asked.
'Did you have to say that? Did you have to embarrass me?'
'Me embarrass you? I think it's the other way round. You were the one doing the embarrassing.'
'I was just following my natural urges.'
I looked at him. 'Natural urges? It's 50/50 chance if you get the right end. Then it's 50/50 if you get the right sex.'

He sulked all the way home.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly George is pansexual and you've insulted him.

Polly said...

LOL poor George, his confidence must have hit rock bottom!! :-)

Ole Phat Stu said...

@Polly : so the other dog was called Rock? ;-)