Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A strange phenomenon amongst carers at the playground

I have noticed that young mums tend to go to the park in pairs. There they let their children amuse themselves while they sit on a bench and chat.

When I take my grandchildren to the park not only am I at their beck and call but I frequently find myself adopted by one of the 'motherless' who inevitably is of the bossy variety and insists I 'push faster,' 'push higher'. 

Is this common amongst grandparents or is there something about me that says soft target?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting arty photo!

Polly said...

I don't know Liz, it's years since I took my grandson to a park!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm not allowed to post photos of my grandchildren, Debra, hence the vague attempt at arty!

We were fairly late having children and our children followed that example, Polly, so I'm going to be on playground duty for a good few years yet.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

When I took my grandchildren.. Which now is just the youngest.I was there with them all the time . Going From one to the other, Nanny push me please nanny I want to get off now . Nannnnny!! I never pushed a "motherless" child. I say go and ask your mum ...