Thursday, October 18, 2018

A hard day's work feels good

Younger Son and Nuora have bought a house that is currently having work done on it. Today, as Husband was going to do some woodwork inside, I thought I'd have a go at the garden.

It was once carefully, albeit unusually, laid out but has been ignored and is very over-grown. As I've said before, clearing gardens is my speciality. But I had forgotten just how overgrown it was.

'Where do I start?' I asked Husband.
'Clear the path so you can get through?' he suggested.
So that's what I did.




The builder's bag of rubbish
It might not look like much but I worked very hard and very meticulously - until the very end when I allowed myself the instant gratification of chopping back perennials.

This is only a small part of the garden. The rest is even more horrific. But I did enjoy myself!


Polly said...

Well done, it looks like a nice garden, full of interest.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You were very, VERY industrious!

Jacqui said...

Hello Liz, I have recently found your blog and am enjoying reading your posts. I am Jacqui, from England. I enjoy gardening and I know how hard it is clearing and tidying them - backbreaking work. What you've done in a day deserves a pat on the back, I'd say! It looks like a garden with lots of potential.

sandy said...

I would have fun clearing that - you did good. I miss my big yard!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Your blogpost is leading us up the garden path ;-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Hope you were rewarded with another ice cream?

Liz Hinds said...

It is, Polly. It has so much potential.

I think so, Debra!

Hi Jacqui and welcome! I thought I might be aching afterwards but I was okay. Either I didn't work hard enough or I'm fitter than I think.

Clearing is so satisfying, Sandy.

Strangely enough, Stu, I found a garden path under the grass.

No, but I did get chocolate, sonata!