Thursday, July 26, 2018

Learning to shout

On Tuesday night I was leading Zac's and in my new-found 'I am woman; I can do this' mode I decided I must again call for order myself and not ask one of the men to do it. 

Last time there weren't a lot of people there and there was just a low hum of conversation; this time there were loads of people and noise. I shouted - or rather I did what is the closest I come to shouting - 'Good evening!'

One or two people looked at me and everyone else continued talking. 

Then a man at the bar, not one of our regulars, yelled, 'SHUT UP!' That did the trick.

But the important thing is that I tried. The fact that I have a naturally quiet voice is just one of those things. Query: can one have a naturally quiet voice? Or has it never been tested? Perhaps I shall go somewhere lonely and try shouting. That would be a novel experience. Do I have a loud voice just waiting to be released? Could this be a major changing point in my life? 

'All these questions and more will be answered on next week's episode of Soap.' Do you remember that programme? I think it began the career of Billy Crystal.

It's strange the way things suddenly pop into your head. Speaking of which let me share my ear-worms with you. Perhaps it will rid me of them.

When we went on holiday the song I couldn't be shot of was, 'I saw a mouse, where, there on the stairs etc'

Then it became, 'High on a hill stood a lonely goatherd.'

It's currently, 'It's coming home.' Yes, I'm late to the football party. 

* * * * * * * *
The weather has continued to be very good. Not as hot as the south-east of England has it for which I'm grateful. Yesterday I swam in the sea at Mumbles, something I haven't done for years. It was strangely both warm and cold but very enjoyable.


Lisa said...

I am usually quiet but can be loud a times. My father is hard of hearing so we almost have to yell at him to hear us. I know people that make me cringe with there regular voice as it carries. Happy Thursday!

ole Phat Stu said...

How does one shout in sign language?

Sharon said...

Maybe you need a whistle.

NanaDiana said...

Well, Hi, Liz!!!! I just found you by backtracking from a comment you left me on my blog. A woman with a sense of humor (I love it) and a quiet voice (I only wish) It is good to meet you. I am your newest follower-Hugs- Diana

NanaDiana said...

Hey Liz- I don't see any way to follow you at all---not by being a follower or by email or by subscription. You might want to add a follow button to your sidebar---just a thought. Diana

Liz Hinds said...

I feel as if I'm talking loudly but often people don't hear me, Lisa.

Do exaggerated hand signals, stu.

Sharon! you're back. So glad. x

Hi Diana, thanks, I've taken your advice and added some things to my sidebar (didn't know I could do that!) but I'm not sure if I've done the right thing; it doesn't actually say Follow.