Saturday, June 09, 2018

A bad bird and a lost dog

The magpies are treating our garden as a self-service restaurant.

We have two lots of nesting birds but they're both coal tits while the magpies are currently terrorising baby blue tits. We noticed them again this morning hounding and trying to pick off the babies. I remember Uncle Horace telling me years ago that magpies were nasty birds but I've seen it for myself now. Every time I see one now I shoo it away and try to be as frightening as possible but as they stroll off carelessly they just give me, 'Seriously?' looks. I just hope that when 'our' babies make their appearance I have my water pistol to hand.

Walking George in the afternoon I passed a woman with a whippet. A little further on our walk we came across a lone whippet. I deduced - just call me Sherlock - he belonged to the same woman although he was a long way behind her and she hadn't shown any signs of the anxiety that I would be feeling were George so distant.

We - George and me - turned around and headed back with the whippet trotting along with us. Then he decided we weren't going anywhere interesting and turned around again. We followed and I put the lead on him this time. We walked back towards the car park and as soon as Mum came in sight I let him off thinking he'd run straight to her. He ran the opposite direction.

George, who'd been slightly perplexed by me putting his lead on another dog as well as the backwards and forwards walk, said, 'Come on, we've done our bit. I want my walk now,' so we left them to it. I assume she caught him in the end.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Why did you think it was her dog? The dog didn't seem to.

PipeTobacco said...

(To SmitoniusAndSonata: I too would have thought it was the lady's dog.... it would have felt TOO coincidental to have another whippet (not an overly common breed) walking around shortly after a woman had a whippet on a leash.)

That was a very nice and kind thing you did. I wonder what the actual story was for the whippet? Like you stated.... I too would be very nervous if my dog was so distant from me.
