Thursday, November 02, 2017

I love Thursday evenings

Because it's Friday the next day. And  I don't have any regular commitments on Fridays so there's nothing I have to be worrying about or preparing for or stressing over. I can just relax.

Bra off, 'lounge pants' (pyjama bottoms to me)  on and beans on baked potato on a tray in front of the television I think. Ah bliss.

I am easily pleased.

* * * * * * * * 
It's November now too and that means NaNoWriMo. I haven't taken part for the last few years - November really isn't the best month to devote to writing a novel - but I think I may be able to use it this year as an incentive to get on with ghost-writing Christy's autobiography. But maybe not tonight.


Sharon said...

No, I will admit that November is not the best time of year to write a novel. I think January would have been a better month. I've done it a couple of times. Thanksgiving is a problem, also Christmas shopping and other holiday preparations and gatherings. We don't need added stress at that time.

Beans on a baked potato sounds good!
Have a good evening. :-)

Liz Hinds said...

Beans on potato with salad on the side! Works surprisingly well, Sharon!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

This year Autumn has just got gloomier and gloomier , weather wise . Being dripfed is beginning to seem attractive .

vivien y said...

This is the first year for ages (ten years maybe) that I haven't even signed up. As you say, November's not the best month for novel writing, not if you're a woman anyway.