Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I am a bad Christian

bible cartoonI could give you lots of reasons why but I'll just focus on two.

1) I can't cope with over-enthusiastic Christians. The sort who view everything - and I mean everything - as a blessing. Sure they may be blessings but do they really warrant numerous repeated squeals, a hallelujah, a 'praise the lord'?

2) I don't view the bible as a sacred book. The words in it are precious and important but the book is just a book. It deserves respect as any book does but sacred? Sorry, no. 


Sharon said...

We all have our ideas of what's 'good' and what's 'bad' I don't see you as being a bad anything.

Debbie said...

Define Good Christian....its not a book or a building, in my humble opinion!!

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed, Sharon, but believe me, I can be just as bad as anyone!

I suppose I mean a Christian who never questions or doubts and always believes what the pastor says, Debbie.

Jimmy said...

I appreciate normal everyday Christians who believe in God but are realistic in how they live their lives, I don't see by your description that you are a bad Christian, or as Sharon said a bad anything.