Monday, August 10, 2015

Serious holiday planning

Last night I started reading The Spectacle Salesman's Family. I have a feeling I might have tried before and I suspect I will give up fairly quickly this time too. Not because of the story: I think I would enjoy it. No, I'll give up because of the writing style.

The author doesn't believe in putting direct speech on separate lines or in quotation marks and as I read mostly last thing at night I just don't have the enthusiasm to work out what is speech (and who is speaking) and what is narrative. Which is a shame but life's too short etc.

Meanwhile I've just about finished holiday clothes shopping and have now started on the serious stuff: choosing holiday reading. For the first time I'll be relying on the kindle reader on my tablet so I'm hoping I'll cope. Knowing several keen readers who have embraced kindles has encouraged me. One good thing - although as an author I'm not sure if it's good - is that ebooks are cheaper.


Leslie: said...

Maybe I've missed something, but where are you going for your holiday? I still prefer to have an actual book in my hands, but I do see the benefit for when you're traveling.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I recommend "The Time Traveller's Wife" as a good (if confusing) read:-)

Furtheron said...

Just a question I know you can answer Liz. I scanned over my wife's list for the holiday packing, we're off on a family holiday on Saturday for 7 days. Given it is 7 days would 11 trousers and 12 tops seem excessive to you?....

Liz Hinds said...

Not in the least, Graham. I hope she includes at least 12 pairs of knickers too.

Read it, thanks, Stu.

Malaysia and Vietnam, Leslie! So need to travel light.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Wow Graham , that does seem excessive .. !!

Kindle not the same saw we know Liz but great for travelling. I do prefer "Books" to hold. but I somehow don't think you will have a lot of time for reading :-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Our local library seems to lend out e-books . How this works I have no idea .

I still prefer a 'real' book , though . I was amused to see , when I sat in the airport departure lounge this year , that I was one of only two people carrying a book . I buy a lot in charity shops to read on journeys and then abandon them when they're finished . As high-tech as I'm likely to get ...

Rose said...

I hate it when I have to go back and figure out which character is speaking. I still prefer real books, but I have both the Kindle and Nook app on my Ipad, and it's really convenient for traveling. Plus, when I finish a book, I don't have to wait go to the library for another book--I can download one immediately! Malaysia and Vietnam--how exciting!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Have you read The Long Earth by Pratchett & Baxter?