So Daniel Peter arrived safely on Thursday 16th January. Weighing in at 8 lb 3 oz he's absolutely gorgeous obviously. Mother and baby both doing well. He was born late in the evening so on the Friday Husband and I scooted off to Surrey to meet him and have our share of cuddles. What can you say about a new-born except that he's perfect in every way?
It occurred to me at some time afterwards that it is likely that not one of our grandchildren will be born in Wales: the first four were born in England and should Younger Son and Nuora have children it's possible they could be born in Malaysia or Italy. However Younger Son, who was born in England and has an English father, insists on being Welsh - to Husband's disgust! - so our grandchildren will have a strong Celtic tie I'm sure.
Husband has always said that if I don't have things to worry about I invent things. A little while ago I woke in the middle of the night and began to think: suppose YS and Nuora have a baby in Malaysia and suppose it gets ill in the middle of the night. They will be on a remotish island; how will they get medical help?
I managed to tell myself not to be so stupid and that babies have been born and survived in the Perhentian Islands for centuries so I've stopped worrying about that but now I have a concern that is potentially even more difficult to resolve.
Suppose YS and Nuora one day have a son and he grows up and plays rugby for Italy. Who on earth would I support when Wales played Italy in the Six Nations? You see what I mean? Huge dilemma.
Strangely enough I only seem to worry about future possible grandchildren rather than the existing ones. Like Husband says, when I don't have anything to worry about I make it up.
Ha, ha, only you would worry about possible loyalty conflicts years from now, Liz:) But I'm a worrywart, too, so I do understand; if I don't have something to worry about, I'll invent something.
So happy for your family on the new addition--grandchildren are always perfect!
Well seeing that Nuora is not pregnant yet , I would not worry Yes as your friend Rose says , only you would worry about it or make it up (like you hubby says) .. Younger son and wife could still have their baby (whenever in Wales). Well if he played for Italy of course you would support ITALY .. of course you would support your grandson .. :-)
They are indeed, Rose.
I would support him, Anne, it's true.
I worry about practically everything, so no need to make up any worries! And most of them are also about the future, regardless of the fact that the future is largely unknowable and unpredictable!
Glad Daniel Peter is doing well....
Just out of curiosity Liz , Were any on your children born in Wales?? I would of loved at least one of my sons to be adventurous and move out of the UK , so I could visity :-) but not to be.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy :-)
That's the thing about worries, Nick, they're nearly always far worse than the reality turns out to be.
Two of my children were born in Wales, Anne, and they all think of themselves as Welsh.
Thanks Cherrypie!
Congratulations, Granny x4. We have figured that the younger generations will do what they must do. You can only fall back on the fact that you have raised them well and they will appropriately apply those lessons you have provided to their life circumstances. You have amazing kids to be proud of, and continuing on, grandkids to be proud of.
Ours are scattered all over the western US, and that is farther than yours are so far. Once your YS is in Malaysia it will not be the case, but we had one for a time in Siberia.
I can relate with finding things to worry about. Sometimes I imagine so much I become quite down then I give myself a good hard mental shake and a good talking to.
It works...until I find the next thing to worry about. Oh well, I was often told as a child that I had an overactive imagination.
As for your newest grandchild...congratulations on No 4. I'm sure he will be an absolute delight for you. x
Congratulations Liz - looking forward to the pics.
Indeed, Katney, the world these days is a small place it seems.
Thanks, robyn, and perhaps that's why we're writers, an overactive imagination.
Mrs N - I've lost the link to your blog and it won't let me visit!
How wonderful !!Congratulations to you all .
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