Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas television and why I shouldn't be writing this

I really shouldn't be on the computer. Today my to-do list is longer than the time available, a situation not helped by the fact that I got up tired and grumpy because I lay awake for an hour in the night trying to work out how to fit everything in.

But I've just returned from work via Sainsburys and am having a cup of tea before I start. So that's my excuse.

I realise I never mentioned television over Christmas. I am reminded of this after some Facebook discussion today about last night's Sherlock

After the once-a-year excitement of buying the double issue Radio Times I watched very little over the festive season, but I did of course watch Doctor Who (disappointing) and Mrs Brown's Boys (disappointing). Christmas Eve's showing of The Good Life 'Christmas hasn't been delivered' episode was my particular highlight. It never fails to delight.

Then I had to wait until New Year's day for Sherlock to return. Ah, bliss. And now the new series has finished! Three episodes? Seriously? Again? 

Oh yes and I watched Just Henry, an adaptation of a Michelle Magorian ya book that I read last year. It was a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours but not half as good as the book or the wonderful adaptation of Goodnight, Mister Tom with John Thaw from a number of years ago.

And speaking of ya (young adult) books I have recently finished Boys Don't Cry by Malorie Blackman. About a 17-year-old boy, about to set off for university, who receives a visit from a one-night stand who then clears off and leaves their baby with him. His reaction, how he copes and his complex family life is all described wonderfully. Ms Blackman is currently Children's Laureate and well-deservedly.


Rose said...

We haven't watched "Sherlock," but I've heard so many good things about it, I might have to rent the DVD's. So many of my favorite shows seem to be on this schedule now--5 or 6 episodes and then they're off for months and months!

Ole Phat Stu said...

List the jobs to be done and the expected time needed.
Sort by the latter. Do the shortest job first. Repeat.

That way you get more jobs done.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I remember every year until I think last year my hubby HAD to buy the Double issue of Radio times too. Years ago he used to look through it and put a cross or something next to programmes he wanted to watch , and then it was my turn or the boys, We don't buy it anymore and to be honest I did not watch TV over Christmas. The Good life never fails to make me laugh, as for the others , never watch them.

Katney said...

Sherlock starts here this Sunday and it is season three. Are you on season three? It seems to me that we get it a year behind. Somehow we missed out on Season two, and we will not get to see it on Sunday. It repeats on Wednesday--at 3:58 in the morning. What's that all about.

nick said...

I've largely abandoned the mainstream TV channels as the quality of what's offered is so dreadful. We recently watched Borgen on BBC4 and are now watching The Bridge on the same channel. Both excellent and well worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Whilst I'd have loved far more Sherlock one thing is that I'm glad they have kept the series short that way you want more and will eagerly wait to see when they announce the next series. Unlike the last series of Torchwood that could easily have been three episodes and hasn't been missed since it finally lurched to an asthmatic end just resting against the buffers totally spent.

I thought Dr Who wasn't bad - better than most of the last series. I hope with new new Dr to breath new life into the character they find some new writers as it seems Moffat is saving his best for Sherlock

Anonymous said...

Whilst I'd have loved far more Sherlock one thing is that I'm glad they have kept the series short that way you want more and will eagerly wait to see when they announce the next series. Unlike the last series of Torchwood that could easily have been three episodes and hasn't been missed since it finally lurched to an asthmatic end just resting against the buffers totally spent.

I thought Dr Who wasn't bad - better than most of the last series. I hope with new new Dr to breath new life into the character they find some new writers as it seems Moffat is saving his best for Sherlock

Leslie: said...

Sherlock is just starting here next week on Masterpiece Theater. We're really looking forward to it - but are there really only 3 episodes?

BeeWild said...

Oh you must, Rose!

If I were that organised, stu, I wouldn't be so far behind!

Things change, Anne, not always for the better.

WE're on season 3, Katney. if you missed season 2 you'll be confused by the first episode!

We haven't seen either of those, nick, but maybe we'l have to give them a try.

True, furtheron. it'll be interesting to see what Mr capaldi makes of the role.

Yes, Leslie. Leave the audience wanting more!

Liz Hinds said...

Not Neil but Liz!

Anonymous said...

For this "After the once-a-year excitement of buying the double issue Radio Times" I love you Liz! And for morphing into a son, well, is there anything left in life?