Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm just a girl who can't ...

I seem to have become - or maybe always have been - a girl who can't say no.

Thus my hall currently looks like this:
It was one of the twice yearly NCT nearly new sales this morning. I'd contacted the organisers asking if I could have first refusal on any left-over Moses baskets etc that could be given to destitute pregnant young women and she'd told me to come along after the sale had finished. The Red Cross always collects the remains but she said I could have first pick. 

Unfortunately the Red Cross men got there first and weren't very sympathetic to my cause. So I was standing a bit like an unwanted guest at a wedding until one of the organisers spotted me and they did a special announcement explaining exactly who I was and what I was doing so sellers who had leftover small baby stuff they didn't want to take home again came and gave it to me and gave everything else to the Red Cross. 

I did two trips in Mini and, thankfully, my next door neighbour was there and she was able to bring home a car-load too. I did refuse some stuff saying, 'no, give that to the Red Cross,' but still it was a bit, 'Do you want this?' 'Yes please.'
'Do you want this?'
'Yes please.'
'Do you want this cumbersome electricity-guzzling machine that makes life-size ice models of duck-billed platypuses?'
'Yes please ... um wait ... oh go on then.'

Huge thanks to the mums who were so generous and also to Steve Porter, who by agreeing to store some of the stuff has prevented me being divorced by Husband. 


Katney said...


Furtheron said...

Gotta love a girl that can't say no... Oh sorry not sure I'm strictly on topic here ;-)

Annie said...

That sounds brilliant! Is this a home or charity for destitute pregnant women that you support?X

Gledwood said...

Liz, you must have heard of that thing where you have a book published (by a 3rd party, can't remember the company's name) and available on Amazon, but they literally print and ship one copy at a time, as required... have you ever thought of going down that route? The royalty worked out at about 23% of the cover price on a £5.99 paperback (unless I got my sums wrong).
I'm gonna try sending my stuff to JK Rowling's and Jacqueline Wilson's agents but if there's no interest after 5 or so then I'm dumping it on ebook myself and agents be damned!
It takes bloody ages writing. I calculated it's gonna take me TEN WEEKS to write a Famous Five length book. That is way way too slow. I'm gonna have to really up my game if I want to be "professional"... O I came by to ask you something but forgot it... Aaaa I remember WHAT IS YOUR JOB? I hope you don't mind my asking. Are you a chaplain or an adult literacy consultant?
Have you ever watched Wentworth on Channel 5 9pm Wednesdays. O shite it's finished. If you speak French and have Hotbird or Astra 1 you can watch the Quebecqois series Unité 9 on TV5 Monde Europe, it's really educational.
Hope you and George are fine. Why is your life so much more interesting than mine... o yeah because you're not a methadone addicted nutter I suppose. Ho hum ha ha! Gotta go Liz see you later

Gledwood said...

Trust me to gabble on without explanation: those 2 TV progs are PRISON DRAMA... being as you work in a prison and all... thought you might be interested/sickened by them...

nick said...

Good grief! Someone who can't say no, for sure. I can imagine despairing and incredulous looks from husband as the haul is brought inside.

Liz Hinds said...

True, katney.

But who's worrying, furtheron?

I'm part of Zac's Place, which is a charity and church and we're starting up a new initiative, working with local midwives to help destitute pregnant women, annie.

I'll reply to you on your blog, gledwood.

He wasn't very happy, nick, but he was out at the time ...

Anonymous said...

That sounds brilliant! Is this a home or charity for destitute pregnant women that you support?X

Rose said...

This sounds wonderful, Liz! The Red Cross does such great work, but it's nice when you can contribute to someone locally who really needs the help.