Monday, November 04, 2013


In a craft fayre on Saturday with Nuora. The weather was against us as was the fact that there was another craft fayre on in the village on the same day. End result: I sold one copy of my book! On the plus side Nuora did rather better with her crafts, selling them to raise money towards funding their marine conservation project in Malaysia. 

The bags on the right are made from sustainable bamboo and printed by Nuora. The softness of the bamboo created quite a bit of interest - and a few sales.

As I said the weather was horrendous, very very windy. On returning from the craft fayre I dragged George down to the sea front so I could see the wind-blown tide. It was a bit like when you're walking over hills and you think, 'That's the top; I'll just go that far,' but when you get there you realise there's another higher bit a bit further on. In this case it was, 'the waves are breaking best just along there; we'll go there,' but it was always a bit further on or even behind us, where we'd just walked.
With prison Sunday morning and Zac's in the afternoon I've been squeezing in my writing for NaNoWriMo. To succeed i.e. write 50,000 words in November, I have to write roughly 1,700 words a day. After 3 days of writing my estimated finishing date is 1st December. Not bad but not good enough! Must do better. In fact that's what I'm supposed to be doing now ...


Ann Marie Thomas said...

Sorry to hear it Liz. It's a lot of time to give up, and the cost of the table, for little return. Did you sell any of mine?

Furtheron said...

You sold one book - that is still success. The one book might be read by the judges of the booker prize and they'll overturn the decision and you'll be an overnight sensation... you never know...

Weather... Don't know if you'll be able to view this but this was Aberyswyth seafront on Sunday night

BTW I'm at residence at two blogs now... is the life part the old one is now more about guitars and stuff...

Liz Hinds said...

Oh my good gosh, furtheron!