What a brilliant morning!
Before Husband retired I made time to walk George everyday; now Husband tends to walk him and I do other things. And I'm missing it. Both the exercise and the fresh air. So this morning I resolved to take George around the cliffs. On my own. I wanted to think too.
So off we set. And before we'd gone very far I saw a seal! At first I thought it was a log - I'm notorious for 'seeing' things in the water. 'Oh look a ... penguin?' But then it raised its nose and dived under emerging again a distance away. I was watching for it again and beaming when another walker passed. 'You've seen the seal?' she asked.
'Yes!' I squeaked.
A little further on a cormorant flew by. Normally we only see them close to the water but this one flew just above my head. Then a rather elegant gull with black wing tips flew past too. I don't usually find gulls elegant but this was less scary than some.
I was positively floating for most of the walk.
And the fresh air cleared my head and helped inspire me too. So, all in all, a brilliant morning.
The only negative was the discovery that while I knew one of my boots had a hole, when hopping through a stream, I realised the other one did too. Still I've had them since we went to Canada in whenever it was so they've lasted well.
Oh, I so miss walking with Tegan. I don't think I realized how much I enjoy it until I was housebound with this broken ankle. By the way, it's getting better and just a little over 2 weeks until I see the orthopedic surgeon when he WILL tell me I can walk without it!
It'll soon go, Leslie, and when it does walking will seem even sweeter!
We can be sure that, if and when you invest in a new pair of wellies, George will immediately bite a hole in them ;-)
No it's sticks he likes, stu.
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