I was treated to rather lovely jam scones in work today by the equally lovely Elin Barham (except she wasn't crispy at the bottom). Which was just as well as I couldn't find the biscuit barrel.
Work goes quiet at this time of year so i began a major spring clean. It's what I do best: throwing things away. At least I could get into work today unlike last Monday when I was locked out and had to break in through the back door and set off the alarm.
With a party for 5-year-olds going on downstairs, it was a good job Elin was there to educate me on current pop singers. I am so out of touch, however, I am acquiring incredible technical skills. How's this for a penguin:
Ah, okay, so that didn't work. Maybe not such incredible technical skills after all ...
But I make a mean curry. Which brings me nicely back to where I started with food. That has a pleasing roundness about it.
I am rambling here in an attempt to procrastinate. An attempt? No, simply procrastination. Must do what I am trying to avoid which is send off novel 3 to an agent.
Wish me luck; I could be gone some time.
P.S. How do you say scone? Long or short o? And which is the posh way? Elin and I disagreed.
I think while in Scotland we said skohnz but here we say scones. Since you are neither in Scotland or here, I don't know.
We say skawnz here! But then I don't care how you say it; what's important is that you got jam scones and I didn't! lol
And as you say Leslie, what matters is that i got some!
Skons...in Australia, that is. Whatever...I want one, with jam and cream, too, please.
Short "o" from our family and they have to have jam and devonshire cream.
Btw - I'm setting up a national help group for procrastinators... well I'm planning to get around to it next week
Good luck with the novel
Jam and cream seem to be a popular choice, robyn and Cheri, and why not?!
Let me know when you get round to it, furtheron!
I normally say scons, but I think the posh way is scohnz. Scones with plenty of butter and jam are delicious, though no doubt all that sugar and fat take another ten minutes off my life.
I think scons is the posh way, nick. Got to be plenty of butter!
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