I haven't done ABC wednesday or any other photo challenge for a while so I thought I'd have a go at this.
The first topic, self portrait, I took literally, hence this sketch of a terrified looking woman peering wide-eyed over her glasses, as she struggles to see herself in the mirror - no glasses needed - and quickly transfer that image to paper - glasses needed. I seem to have ended up looking like a badly-aged and slightly deranged children's television presenter.
I think from this little experiment we can safely conclude that I am not an artist. I also think my head should be a little bit squashed making my face wider and shorter.
If you decide to try it too - the challenge not drawing yourself - although you may like to and would no doubt get better results - do tell me so I can cheer you on! And I won't feel so much like Lizzie No-Mates.
As it is a photo challenge, I would think you could challenge yourself to do a photo of yourself. This could be accomplished in the mirror with glasses on--or off. I will pass on this one as doing something every single day with a couple of times out of town in the meantime would be a challenge in itself. Though I suppose that day one does not have to be a specific day and I could try it when I return.
Self portrait crops up again at the end - maybe to see how much I've aged in a month - so I'll do a photo for that one, katney.
I look forward to seeing what you choose for each category.
Clouds today, cherie, so do i try and grab some of the light fluffy ones or wait for the gloomy ones heading our way?
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