Monday, August 27, 2012

In case you'd forgotten ...

I'm planning a new push on my book come autumn. Or after the wedding at any rate. I'll try and find some women's groups I can speak to - and sell books to - and find other and unique ways of publicising it. Maybe.

I've had some lovely reviews - and not all from friends! I did wonder if people were just being nice to me but when people I don't know read it and still enjoy it, it must be okay, mustn't it?

I was recalling the critique I had when I joined the Romantic Novelists' Association (RNA). I've written about it before: on joining the association you're entitled to one free critique. The woman - it was anonymous but I'm sure it was a woman - hated just about everything about my novel. I think the most positive thing she said was that it was mildly amusing in a couple of places.

It was so bad a review I couldn't take it seriously! If I had done I would have given up writing for ever and ever. As it was, I put it down to experience. One of the comments that convinced me the reviewer was on a different planet was when she said that if a woman really wanted to lose weight, she would. (My heroine goes on a diet several times during the year only to weaken or find excuses within a day of starting.) Anyone who's ever tried to diet will know the absurdity of that sentence. The reviewer also said no-one would forget to order a turkey for Christmas. I did.

But even when you don't take something totally seriously, it impacts your morale, and that's why it's been so lovely to have nice reviews with people saying how much they laughed or could identify with. 

If only I could convince the publishers what they've missed.

P.S. I didn't renew my membership to the RNA after the first year.


Furtheron said...

Good luck with it. I for one know that my wife found it very good and so has one of her friends too.

Thanks for your kind review of my CD btw... I need a similar new push on that from me... thanks for the inspiration

Katney said...

Oh, Liz, this is definite evidence that it was a man:
"if a woman really wanted to lose weight, she would. "

Definitely a man.