He demonstrated perfectly the art of walking to heel while staring up at the man with loving eyes. Nobody can resist him for long.
The man got a treat out of his pocket and gave it to George who devoured it and then rejoined us.
He is such an embarrassment.
At least he was behaving himself ;-)
Luckie has a different technique, depending on if she knows you.
At home she goes and sits in front of the treat storage are and stares until someone notices.
Otherwise she acts in whatever way to let them know the treat is the way to her heart. She has several techniques.
What a little hussy!
He could probably smell the treats in his pocket. Just be glad it was not an embarrassingly located pocket.
Ha, this sounds like Sophie:) She is a perfect obedient lady around everyone but me.
Well at least he didn't attach himself to his leg, did he? lol
OMG - the word verification is waref
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused here. Is "George" the name of your husband?
but he got a treat out of it... I think George is hugely more intelligent that you give him credit for ;-)
Not as bad as Kosmo (my bulldog) who runs up to complete strangers and SNIFFS THEIR GENITALS! :-(
Clever George!
Thanks all for your comments. Clever he might be but, as jams says, a hussy!
Dog, mad priest, although Husband will do a lot for chocolate.
Thanks for the clarification. As chocolate is poisonous to dogs I had assumed it must have been your husband, although in my household it would have been Mrs MP scrounging the candy.
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