Thursday, June 02, 2011


Following our day trip to Devon yesterday Husband has gone to Derby today.

Mother-in-law has been transferred to a palliative care ward in hospital from which she won't be coming home. Father-in-law is also in hospital - a different one - following two heart attacks.

When Father-in-law is allowed home Husband will go and stay with him for a few days so we're hoping he isn't let out until after the weekend as we're supposed to be going to London to stay with Elder Son and very-pregnant Daughter-in-law for the weekend.

A bit like, if it's Tuesday this must be Rome.


Leslie: said...

Also, it don't rain, but it pours! Hope all works out as planned.

Liz Hinds said...

We're not in London tonight after all as Elder Son suggested a different weekend would suit them more too.