I had an email today from the Liberal Democrat’s Assembly candidate for the Swansea West seat. He's given me his personal mobile number so I can contact him about anything that concerns me. I'm thinking of phoning him and saying, 'Thank you for the email but if you can't even get my name right, how likely am I to vote for you?' (Apart from all the obvious reasons why I wouldn't vote for him.)
It's not as if it's a minor error: Heather Hillman doesn't bear a lot of resemblance to Liz Hinds.
Ha, the Lib Dems came sixth in Barnsley Central, behind UKIP and the BNP. I think there's a message there about the public's contempt for them. Or maybe all their electoral material was addressed to Heather Hillman....
Whoever Heather is , I do hope she voted !
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