Wednesday, March 02, 2011

When you're in a hole ...

As it was St. David's day I took welshcakes to Zac's last night. When I arrived I found some already on the counter.Thinking I'd better sample one I broke a bit off and tasted it. 'Hm,' I said, 'nice but mine are better.'

At this Baz sidled up to me and whispered that the person who made them was standing at the end of the counter talking to Sean. Quick as a flash I recovered saying loudly, 'But not much better.'

For some reason everyone burst out laughing and Lucy said, 'Stop digging NOW!'

What I meant was that my welshcakes are more sconey than cakey and I prefer them that way. It's all down to personal taste. But somehow it didn't come out that way ...


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Liz .. I love your "snippets".. how do you think of the idea to blog about certain things... you need to write a Snippet book !!

Rose said...

I can see we have another thing in common, Liz--I have had a chronic case of foot-in-mouth disease all my life:) I'm sure your scones are much tastier.

Leslie: said...

...and when you got your foot out of your mouth, you had another taste, right? lol