Saturday, February 12, 2011

No bananas here

I love bananas but I've always disliked smoothies because they contain banana but then Daughter introduced me to this one.

Kiwi, apple and lime smoothie is delicious - if you can get past the swamp juice appearance. And that's the polite description.

After a couple of weeks with GrandDaughter having a runny nose and cough I can assure you that there are much more apt ways to describe its colour.


nick said...

The incredible profit margin on their smoothies is anything but innocent. I just eat fruit, it's a lot cheaper.

CherryPie said...

That IS an alarming colour!!!

Gledwood said...

Have you ever had a Muddy Puddle, Liz? That's orange juice and Pepsi (or Coke, if you insist)... and it's really nice!

Ole Phat Stu said...

S'not a good colour ;-)

Suburbia said...


Furtheron said...

Yes we have no bananas