Friday, February 11, 2011


Linda, our friend across the road, just turned up at our door. She had George in the car having found him in the adventure playground.

We have no idea how he got out of the garden.

He must have used 8 of his lives by now. Oh, wait, that's cats ...

I wonder if you can tag dogs in such a way that they get an electric shock if they venture more than 5 metres from the gate.


CherryPie said...

I thought he had stopped escaping like that...

Ole Phat Stu said...

You can however buy a GPS transmitter, so at least you'd know where to find him.
Or one that sends his GPS lat/long (to within 3m of accuracy) as an SMS to your mobile.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I love the idea of tagging George like a migrating goose . Mind you , it's probably a very good idea .

Katney said...

My walking friend's neighbor has such a device. When we pass the house, the dog runs along the "fence" line, but there is no fence. It's a gizmo on his collar, and a signal from ?????