Sunday, February 06, 2011

Bring back hat-raising

I was walking down the Devon lanes last Thursday when an elderly gentleman raised his hat to me.

I was so delighted! It made my day. I smiled through the rest of the walk. (Even more than usual.) Then I spotted a glimpse of purple in the hedgerow. Surely not a violet? No, but a very pretty cyclamen.
The hat raising is a small gesture and sadly very outdated but such lovely manners make a woman feel ... womanly. It's not sexism or anything to do with class: I expect politeness from both sexes and I don't intend to tug my forelock to my betters. It's just that manners add a little bit extra that make the world the nicer place.


jams o donnell said...

Hat raising is good manners... I never do it though as I never wear a hat!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Know what made MY day? This hymn

Leslie: said...

I'm with you on this one! :D

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I couldn't agree more.

CherryPie said...

Much like when a man opens the door for you and you say thankyou and both parties enjoy the experience :-)

Katney said...

In order to bring back hat raising, we have to bring back hats.

Gledwood said...

Is that a cyclamen? It looks like a wild orchid!

Gledwood said...

Trust me totally miss your point and remark on the flowers instead.

Hat raising is a totally good idea. Except that my hat makes me look like Benny from Crossroads and I don't think raising it and my hair going everywhere would be a particularly good look...

.... I'd just look even more mentalist than I already do ;-)

mrsnesbitt said...

Lovely Liz - I am sure your disposition contributed and I am sure you walked with a spring in your step, hence the deserved attention! Dxx

Liz Hinds said...

Not many men do, jams.

Thanks, Leslie, welshcakes and cherrypie.

that's true, katney.

It is, gledwood. It's only tiny, about violet-sized. You can't really look like Benny?!

Thanks, mrsn. Out with dogs and GrandDaughter, I certainly walked with a spring in my step!

nick said...

Gosh, it's a very long time since I saw a man doff his hat to a woman! Probably because not many men wear hats these days. I wonder what the female equivalent would be? A curtsey? A wave of a delicately-gloved hand?

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You haven't got any betters , so your forelock is safe !